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发表过日期英文:2023-09-20来源地:华北高原地区菌物的研究院所放大 缩小

♔  地区花草园是集做好花草迁地确保、数学学习、数学传染、公园园艺学商品展示和写游休闲活动等职能为分离式的宗合性企业,在 地区花草产品性确保中心,也是一种地区经济社会的、社会的、文化、农业绿色生态健康、社会的绿色基础设施保持成长总体水平的首要标志logo。202在一年十月,华人在协同国《微生物产品性条例》第十九四次成员国高大会领导干部人大会上正式,发动天津、香港等地区花草园制度施工。2025年八月份,西宁地区花草园归入地区花草园得票率园名单表。西宁地区花草园的新建是进一步深入推进党的二前十名精气神、铭记“国之大者”、弘扬李君如农业绿色生态健康文化价值取向、做强农业绿色生态健康文化高低的首要服务措施。





  扩会议议特邀國际英文草木园自我护理同盟副现任CEO会、爱丁堡皇朝自学成员Stephen Blackmore硕士生导师,新西兰橡树泉园林工程理财产品会副现任CEO会、中华数院校國际英文出色社会学家、法国皇朝自院校士、新西兰数院校外国籍工程院博士、瑞典皇朝数院校外国籍工程院博士、法国國家数院校工程院博士、瑞典皇朝美学与数学自学外国籍工程院博士和新西兰美学与数院校工程院博士Peter Crane硕士生导师,维多利亚皇朝草木园办公室主任医师、國际英文草木园农学会副现任CEO会Timothy John Entwisle硕士生导师,國际英文草木园自我护理同盟文秘人员长Paul Philip Smith硕士生导师,密苏里草木园专业副办公室主任医师Gunter Fischer硕士生导师,國际英文草木园农学会理事长Christopher Willis硕士生导师,哥伦比亚國家草木园在线副现任CEO会Alberto Gómez Mejía硕士生导师相应国内的涉及到的域知名度小编作会议报告书。


  开会时间段:2023-5年7月20-22日   触摸会议的位置:全球数系东南高海拔微生物研究方案所 学术研究该报告厅(青海省省西宁市新宁路23号)   入住该酒店:贵州酒楼(贵州省西宁市城西区黄河水路15八号)


  9月18日 报道登记、了解   7月21日 交流会申请书   2月22日 离会   


  主办方:中国人有实验院大西北西藏高原生物制品研发所、中国人有实验院西北草本花卉园、宁夏省造林和草原上局   承办方:青藏高海拔政府生外来物种质教育资源池、贵州省果树团伙制种着重化验室室、贵州省草木研究会、西宁草木园


  我局例会投资额50人,会收取注册账号成功费,以注册账号成功方式逐一准确。 报名条件回执表见配件。   会议安排好这段时间内管吃管住由会议策划组全部统一安排好,费用的照顾。   祖册的时间:2025年九月15日-2月13日   注册会员油箱:wangfang@nwipb.jxncbyjx.com mojiao@nwipb.jxncbyjx.com


  王芳 15202566362 莫娇15529036720



Announcement of the International Conference on Xining National Botanical Garden's Construction


  The National Botanical Garden is a comprehensive institution that integrates functions such as off-site conservation of plants, scientific research, scientific communication, landscape and horticultural exhibition, and sightseeing or leisure. It is not only a national base for plant diversity protection, but also an important indicator of a country's sustainable economic, technological, cultural, ecological, and social development level.   During the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, president Xi Jinping said it has started building a national botanical garden system in places including Beijing and Guangzhou, Guangdong province. In August 2023, Xining National Botanical Garden was listed as a candidate garden for the National Botanical Garden. Xining National Botanical Garden' s Construction is an important measure of implementing guiding principles set forth by above speech and the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.   Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is an important scientific and technological support unit for the construction of Xining National Botanical Garden. It shoulders a mission of promoting international academic exchanges in the field of botanical garden construction. In order to accelerate the preparatory work for the establishment of the Xining National Botanical Garden and actively promote international academic exchanges in the field of botanical garden construction, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will hold the International Conference on Xining National Botanical Garden's Construction in Xining from October 20 to 22.

  Theme and Contents

  Theme: Construct Xining National Botanical Garden with high quality   The conference invited renowned international experts including professor Stephen Blackmore, professor Peter Crane, professor Timothy John Entwisle, professor Paul Philip Smith, professor Gunter Fischer, professor Christopher Willis, and Professor Alberto Gómez Mejía.   Stephen Blackmore is the president of the International Botanical Garden Conservation Union (BGCI) and a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Peter crane is the president of the American Oak Spring Garden Foundation, an international outstanding scholar of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Royal Society of Britain, a foreign academician of the American Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, an academician of the German National Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The above seven foreign experts have deep research achievements in botany and plant protection.   At the same time, well-known domestic experts were also invited to attend and give presentations.

  Lead Organization

  Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences   South China Botanical Garden ,Chinese Academy of Sciences   Forest and Grass Bureau of Qinghai province

  Partner Organizations

  National Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau   Qinghai Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding   Botanical Society of Qinghai Province   Xining Botanical Garden


  October 20-October 22, 2023

  Registration time

  September 20-October 13, 2023

  Meeting Venue

  Academic Lecture Hall, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (23# Xinning Lu, Xining, Qinghai, China).


  Hotel: Qinghai Hotel   Address:158# Huanghe Lu,Xining,Qinghai,China

  Contact us

  Fang WANG +8615202566362, Jiao MO +8615529036720   Email: wangfang@nwipb.jxncbyjx.com mojiao@nwipb.jxncbyjx.com   Address:23# Xinning Lu, Xining, Qinghai, China  
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